This year we're celebrating ME-MADE-MAY Klum House-style, with a month-long bag making challenge! Whatever project has been sitting on the back burner for ages, whatever half-finished thing you started last summer, whatever kit you have stashed away in a closet gathering dust—this is the time to pull it out and get it DONE! If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, or like you haven’t been prioritizing your creative practice lately, now’s the time to get back on the horse. We're going to be right there with you for support, inspiration, community, accountability, and the occasional (loving) kick in the butt.
In the next few days, we invite you to set a goal for yourself. If could be: finally finish that Slabtown Backpack I started last year, or learn how to make my own leather straps, or set up a home bag making studio. Then shout your commitment out loud on social media using #bagmakingchallenge

Creative Pep Talks
Every Sunday in May, we'll be sharing inspirational content to help stoke your creative fire, both here in our newsletter and across our social media channels.

Q&A Support From Ellie
Every Thursday at noon PST in May, Ellie will be going live in our Facebook group to answer questions, help you troubleshoot, and offer real-time support on your bag making projects.

Community Accountability
Every Friday in May, we'll do a group check-in, inviting everyone to share photos of their works in progress, check in on goals, and cheer each other on!
⚡️ Follow us on Instagram, where we'll be sharing Bag Making Challenge content throughout the month.
⚡️ Join over a thousand other bag makers in our Facebook group, where Ellie will be going live every Thursday.
⚡️ Sign up for our newsletter to make sure you don't miss out on any of our Sunday creative pep talks.
⚡️ Come up with your personal bag making goal for the month and get ready to share on May 1 with #bagmakingchallenge
Let's do this!