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Belmont Pack + Pouch - License to Sell

Are you interested in making Belmonts to sell to family and friends, or in your own small handcrafted business? This License to Sell gives you permission to do so, while also honoring Klum House’s labor and intellectual property. This license is a legal, ethical, and energetic agreement that we consider to be based in mutual respect and empowerment. This license is intended for small batch makers and small handcrafted businesses—not mass production. A summary of the Terms of Agreement is provided below.

Whatever your small business goals, we want to give you the tools you need to thrive. Think of this license as a head start! Klum House founder Ellie Lum has spent over two decades mastering the crafts of bag making and bag design. She’s spent many hours designing this bag, and the Klum House team has spent many hours developing the kit, pattern, and instructions to help you make it successfully. With this license, you get to take all of that already-done-for-you work and run with it! Proudly sew on your own label and go forth to pursue your own entrepreneurial hopes and dreams! We are honored that our pattern is a jumping-off place for your small business, and we are rooting for you all the way.



This limited License to Sell is good for three years from the date of purchase. Please select the number of bags that most closely aligns with the scope of your bag selling plans. (The maximum number of Belmont Pack + Pouches you are permitted to sell in a three-year period is 500.)

After purchasing your license, you will receive an email with a link to complete a form providing information about yourself and your selling plans. Your license will not be officially active until you complete and submit that form.

By purchasing, you agree and understand that you are entering into a contract with Klum House. See Terms of Agreement below.


  • Maker agrees not to sell more than the number of bags purchased for their license. If you sell your allotted number of bags before the 3-year expiration, you can purchase an additional license!
  • Maker agrees this license is for their own personal use only and cannot be applied to any other person(s) or business(es).
  • Maker understands that under no circumstances does this license give them the right to make copies of this pattern or distribute it to others.
  • Maker agrees to sell only finished bags, never kits, patterns, instructions, or any other product based on this pattern.
  • Maker agrees they will not use Klum House’s name, logo, or the name of our products as part of their business name, domain name, e-commerce store name, or social media handles.
  • Maker agrees to give attribution in all of their product listings by including the following text: “This bag was made using the Belmont Pack + Pouch pattern by Klum House” with a hyperlink to www.klumhouse.com wherever possible.
  • Maker agrees to give attribution to Klum House in social media posts featuring this bag, wherever possible, by tagging @klumhouse and using #klumhouse
  • Maker agrees to produce this bag in their own home or small studio, never a factory or other mass production setting.
  • Maker agrees this license includes all derivatives of this bag, such as minor alterations and customizations. Making alterations or customizations to the bag does not take it out of the license. Klum House reserves its rights to all derivative works.
  • Maker agrees to cooperate should Klum House ask you to adjust the manner in which you are marketing and representing your Klum House bags.
  • Maker understands and agrees that Klum House retains the right to terminate this agreement without refund at any point if you are doing anything that, in our opinion, harms Klum House, its brand, or undermines the value of the pattern.
  • Maker understands and agrees that Klum House may from time to time change the terms of the license. We will notify you of any changes via the email address you provide at the time of purchase. 


Why do I need a license to sell my finished Klum House bags?

By purchasing a license to sell your finished Klum House bags, you are showing respect for Klum House’s labor and intellectual property. Klum House founder Ellie Lum has spent over two decades mastering the craft of bag design. She’s spent many hours designing this bag, and the Klum House team has spent many hours developing the kit, pattern, and instructions to help you make it successfully. In a sense, your finished bag is a collaboration between you and Klum House! We have done the legwork of designing the bag and instructional materials, and you are sourcing your materials and putting in the labor at your sewing machine! This license is a legal, ethical, and energetic agreement that we consider to be based in mutual respect and empowerment for both parties.

What if I have already been selling Klum House bags without a license?

If you are already selling Klum House bags without a license, we ask that you please purchase the license now, so you are officially a licensed seller moving forward. Please take into consideration past sales when selecting the appropriate number of bags.

What if I just want to sell a couple of bags to friends and family?

If you are selling a limited amount of Klum House bags to friends and family, please purchase a Small Batch Maker license to sell, which covers between 1-50 bags sold within the three year license period.

What if I’m not sure how many bags I’m going to sell?

We know that it’s not possible to know exactly how many bags you are going to sell in advance. We ask that you do your best to estimate the number of bags that most closely aligns with your plans. If you sell your allotted number of bags before the 3-year license period expires, you can absolutely upgrade to another license!

What is the maximum number of Belmont Pack + Pouch Bags that I am permitted to sell?

The maximum number of Belmont Pack + Pouch Bags you are permitted to sell in a 3-year period is 500. Above that, you move away from the realm of a small batch maker business and into something closer to mass production, which is not allowed under this license.

Which bag(s) does this license to sell cover?

This license is only valid for the Belmont Pack + Pouch. Licenses for other Klum House bags can be purchased separately.

Why does this bag’s license cost more/less than that of other bags?

Licenses to sell different Klum House bags cost different amounts based on the complexity of the pattern, the total number of hours that went into its creation, the level of expertise needed to design it, and how long ago the pattern was released.

How long does this license last?

This license expires three years from the date of purchase. At that point, if you are still selling Klum House bags, please purchase another license.

What if I end up selling more bags than originally planned?

If you end up selling more bags than the maximum allotted, we ask that you please purchase an additional license.

What if I sell fewer bags than originally planned or stop selling them altogether?

This license to sell is non-refundable, even for makers who decide to sell fewer Klum House bags or stop selling bags altogether. Unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions to this term.

What if I put my own creative spin on this bag design. Do I still need the license?

We love to see makers put their own creative spin on our patterns! Even if you have made minor alterations or customizations, you still need to purchase a license and give proper attribution to the bag’s origins. Making small changes, or “derivative works” would include, as examples, using different types of fabric, adding/subtracting features, using different types of hardware, adjustments to the dimensions, etc.

Can I sew my own brand label onto the bags I sell?

Yes, go for it! Feel free to add patches, labels, hang tags, etc. to your bags that proudly display your own business name.

What if I’d like to give this bag a different name?

You are welcome to title this bag however you’d like in your online shop. We do ask, however, that you give attribution in the product’s description by including the following text: “This bag was made using the Belmont Pack + Pouch pattern by Klum House” with a hyperlink to www.klumhouse.com wherever possible.

Do I need to give attribution to Klum House on my product listings?

Yes, please include the following text in all of your product listings: “This bag was made using the Naito Bucket Bag pattern by Klum House” with a hyperlink to www.klumhouse.com wherever possible.

Do I need to give attribution to Klum House on my social media posts?

Yes, please give credit to Klum House in social media posts featuring this bag wherever possible by tagging @klumhouse and using #klumhouse

Have a question about the License to Sell that is not covered above? Send us an email at support@klumhouse.com, and we’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible! 

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