These are the tools and sewing supplies we recommend having on hand for the optimal Woodland-making experience.
Sewing Supplies:
- Size 100 denim needle or nonstick needle (our favorites for sewing heavy-duty fabric & waxed canvas)
- Craft clips (for securing multiple layers of waxed canvas)
- 5" x 5" Quilting ruler (comes in handy for marking boxed corners)
- Hammer + hard surface (for setting rivets)
The Woodland Dopp Kit has double-cap rivets, which can be set with just a regular hammer. Optionally, you can use a double-cap rivet setter and a (non-rubber!) mallet on a hard surface, such as a slab of stone, metal anvil, or concrete floor. To make holes in fabric you’ll need a 3/32” drive punch, which is used with a mallet on a cutting board. Or you can use a tapered tailor's awl to make holes in your fabric.
You can add these tools to your kit, or combined in The Drive Punch Toolkit for a discounted price!